Friday, September 4, 2009

good media!

Article source; State Library of Queensland Magazine, Spring 2009, page 02

I remember visiting the State Library during high school, in the late 90's, honestly it wasa pretty drab and daunting experience, both times.

I found this article both relevant and important in that it is from the 'buildings users' perspective, purely on a level that is concerned about innovation and people, backed up with real facts and ideas about the buildings usage and success.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

SAP Exhibition.... Michael Philips

Another great evening at SAP in the Fortitude Valley, which is seemingly and arguably becoming the new heart of Brisbane!

Consistency in 'design' is crucial! SAP is continually providing a great space for local designer's to exhibtion new and exciting works whilst bringing together a range of brisbonites in a simple way... I particularly like that the bar was shoved out the back!

Michael Philips presented the 'Bean Prints' in a range of mediums... my favourite was the large format in the canvas version...

Michael (Philips) and Peter (Harding) collaborated on the night, adding another layer to the exhibtion and presentation of the space!