If you are heading north to Woodfordia next weekend to celebrate the 2010 Splendour in the Grass Festival, keep an eye out for the installation “Best Time Ever”. This collaboration between Byron Bay based Architect Dominic Finlay-Jones and Sydney artist Lauren Brincat is sure to arouse the imagination. They have conceived and built a towering staircase descending from the heavens, a project made possible by Arts NSW Initiative Splendid.
This large sculptural piece will draw the festival goers in from a distance, marking an important location at the Woodford Site. Up close the Installation will reveal another face, as it will act as a giant sun-dial, with notions dating back to the ancient equinoctial sundial Samrat Yantra at the same latitude North in India.
Cross disciplinary collaborations are becoming a more common occurrence in building projects, with the end product all the more richer for it! As Dominic has said, “As an architect, I find great pleasure in rationalising a crazy idea – of breaking it down, smoothing it out – figuring out how it might actually happen. Best Time Ever is one such big, crazy idea.”
All images Sourced from http://besttimeever.com.au/
Best time Ever - Splendour 2010