Thursday, October 29, 2009

1909 Treasury Building

Another one from Mike – this one about the original design for the treasury building – see the model of the original proposal just to the right of centre -

1909 treasury bldg scale model

 Image sourced from Picture Queensland

I did not realise the Treasury Building was designed with this enormous tower emerging from it!  Love this strategy – design a building of good quality and add a preposterous feature which can be removed to save money and then the building you want, gets built!  This model is being displayed in the Brisbane Exhibition Building in 1909.  Like the timber screens!

They really don’t make things like they used to.

Norman Park in the 1950’s

This is another guest post from Michael Scott – a veritable gold mine of interesting bits and pieces of information about the history of our city.

norman park houses 1950Image sourced from Picture Australia

…first saw this when I was working for BCC and was startled to realise how recent this development was – this is Housing Commission houses in Norman Park in the 1950s – Norman Park is now considered a relatively inner suburb but the long rows of back yard dunnies looks like an old pattern of development in a newly developing suburb, so I initially thought it was a 19th century photo. 

It wasn’t till I looked more closely at the houses and saw they were cheap post-war houses that the date made sense.  Of course it wasn’t till Clem Jones came along in the 1960s and half-sewered Brisbane that these earth closets made their way onto the back landings of the houses, as sewered toilets.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

The Old Space

Artists are always on the look out for good real estate. The Brisbane art scene has a healthy community of artists inhabiting un-loved spaces and making them their own.
The Old Space, 62 Abbotsford Road Bowen Hills, inhabits an old warehouse building which is awaiting new development. Filled with resident artists, Matt Malone and his crew have created a Funky ass space to work and exhibit in.
Recently opened to the public for the BARI festival this space and the art in it are well worth checking out.
Above is a piece by resident artist and gallery founder Matt Malone (Don't worry Matt, we still need you).

Make sure you stay tuned for upcoming exhibitions.

Oh yeah....and they have got a crazy machine that blows smoke rings.
All photos taken by raw Brisbane talent Sam Scoufos.
For sub-cultural rara check out:

Thursday, October 1, 2009

BCEC is underway!

It's underway, earth is moving and the cranes are working!

The new Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre expansion at Grey Street has begun - set to be a dynamic addition to the Southbank Precicnt, BCEC is 'due' to open in 2011, read more about it here... MEDIA LINK